NAS Organic Seaweed For Dogs And Cats 300g 有機海藻粉 [少量現貨,澳洲直送]

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*** 少量現貨,澳洲直送 *** NAS Organic Seaweed For Dogs And Cats 有機海藻粉 > 保持甲狀腺健康 / Thyroid support > 營養豐富的補充劑 - 天然碘含量高 / Nutrient rich supplement – naturally high in iodine > 為了避免缺乏碘,NAS採購了一種營養最豐富的海藻補充劑,它源自Tasmania King Island嘅海灘,含豐富微礦物質碘 / In order to avoid an iodine deficiency we sourced one of the most nutrient rich seaweed supplements available, that is high in the trace mineral iodine, and collected from the pristine beaches of King Island, Tasmania. > NAS 有機海藻是一種高度可吸收的海藻,完全不含填料、色素或增味劑 / Natural Animal Solutions® Organic Seaweed is a highly absorbable seaweed, and completely free from fillers, colours or flavour enhancers. > 有機海藻含多種維他命,包括維他命A、B雜、C、E 和微礦物質鐵、鉀、鎂、磷、鈣、硒、碘、銅、鈷、硫和硼,也使其非常適合用作多種維他命補充劑。 / Organic Seaweed is rich in many nutrients including Vitamin A, B complex, C, E and trace minerals iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, iodine, copper, cobalt, sulphur and boron, also making it ideal for use as a multi-vitamin supplement. > NAS 有機海藻為NASAA 認證的有機產品,可用於貓、狗、馬和牲畜、綿羊、山羊、牛、雞和豬 / Natural Animal Solutions Organic Seaweed is NASAA certified organic and can be used for cat’s, dog’s, horses, as well as livestock; sheep, goats, cattle, chickens and pigs Ingredients > 100% organic seaweed

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